Welcome to part six of our learning begins at home series. I have always felt that learning begins at home. I’ve written before about how I approach learning with the children and how every situation is a potential learning opportunity. From the moment your children are born their learning journey begins and they are sponges of life and all […]
Guilt free snacking
When you are a mum on the run, you need quick snacks that can satisfy your hunger but not massively up your calorie intake. I’m a big fan of Japanese inspired foods, having spent some time out in Japan during my university years. This week I’ve been dashing about with a packet of these beauties […]
Family-friendly snacking
We all get those hunger pangs sometimes. When you have left breakfast behind but are far away from lunch; when you’ve had lunch but won’t be having dinner for hours or even if you are pulling a late working night and you get the munchies. This applies to adults and children. I wrote a while […]
Feeding fuel
Breastfeeding can be hard work. I’ve heard lots of people say that they were always hungry when they were breastfeeding. After breastfeeding four babies I actually don’t think I have had that “I’m starving” feeling more than a handful of times and I certainly haven’t felt like I needed to eat more. Having said that, […]
Super quick free from foods
Not being able to eat wheat does have its drawbacks. The main issues I find are: The cost of free from foods The poor quality of some products (mainly free from bread ) The lack of quick bites available The last of these can make things more difficult when out and about or travelling because […]
A taste of nature
One of things I love about the summer is the chance to go fruit picking. It is such a great activity to do as a family and a chance to teach the children about where fruit comes from and how it grows. A couple of summers ago we had a great fruit-picking day whilst a […]
Learning to self-feed
Watching children grow and change and develop new skills is one of the really exciting things about being a parent. The rate at which these changes happen can be quite spectacular. Our smallest little man had his eight month check recently and it was a great reminder of all the amazing things he can now […]
Toddler tactics
You might have read my post recently on avoiding the after school ‘low’ – in this post I talked about my strategies for avoiding grumpy children after school and discussed the part I feel that hunger plays in this. I have noticed that toddlers also have these low spots but that these just differ in terms […]