The run up to the recent third birthday in our house was pretty full on. Three, it seems is a rather special age, full of change, possibility, new skills and superpowers. Three is a big deal. Back at two and a half the planning began for being three, and it went a bit like this: […]
Teaching toddlers to use scissors
Apparently children do not usually have the required motor skills to use scissors until around the age of six. However, when your children spend lots of time in the kitchen with you, or lots of time engaging in craft activities, six seems rather old to just be teaching them how to use scissors. I use […]
Celebrating ‘firsts’
As a parent, the first time your child does something is really exciting. Sometimes those things are big milestone type things such as: the first smile; the first rollover; the first word; the first step and so on, but sometimes they are much smaller things. Maybe the first trip somewhere or the first time they […]
Give the gift of grip
Little ones in slippy socks on hard floors at home often resemble Bambi on ice. Of course there is the option for bare feet, which we often go for, whip off the socks and avoid slips that way – but hard floors can be cold on little feet. Slipper socks are an option or just […]
Learning to ride a bike
When I learnt to ride a bike over 30 years ago now, things were a little different to how they are these days. My dad taught me to ride my bike down the side of our house. It was a hill, OK a slope, down to a busy corner, maybe it just felt like a hill […]
Sleeping bags aren’t just for babies
I’ve used baby sleeping bags for all my children. I have always believed that this is the safest way for babies to sleep. Not only do sleeping bags prevent babies from getting wrapped up in blankets, or with their heads underneath the covers, but sleeping bags also have the benefit of keeping your baby at […]
Party food for toddlers
When it comes to birthday parties lots of parents do relax a bit about what their children eat. One theory is that it’s a one off, not a regular thing so it doesn’t matter too much. There can be issues though if your little one has a packed social diary of parties, as parties might […]
The “helpful” toddler
Toddlers love to help. I have two little helpers who love the vacuum cleaner, polishing, dusting, wiping and sorting out washing and drying. My two little shadows watch me doing things and the little chorus comes “can we help you Mummy?”. Most of the time they are really great at all this stuff and we […]