Online games for children

Do your children play games online? On your phone or laptop perhaps, or maybe they have their own? None of our children are huge computer game fans, although I know lots of their friends are. There are however, particular games they do like that they will play sometimes. Normally for a short time whilst waiting […]

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Playdates for us are always packed with fun. They normally involve one of two scenarios: Meeting a friend and their children at a soft play and letting the children race around whilst we engage in broken conversation in between feeding, changing and retrieving the smaller children from the big kids section Children coming to play […]

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Growing up: part one

It can be hard ‘allowing’ children to grow up sometimes. Each time the children have a birthday I think “how did that happen?” . I look at them and they look taller, their understanding of life and all it encompasses increases and they question things more and more. Of course, each time they have a […]

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Finger food creations

When I was little ‘playing’ with food was something that was really frowned upon. I remember vividly my dad saying “stop playing with your food” – granted this normally related to me pushing it around my plate when I wasn’t 100% keen on what was in front of me, but still, playing with food was […]

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