This is week seven of lockdown, week eight in some places and longer if you were self isolating before the enforced lockdown. We need to keep reminding ourselves, we are safe at home, not stuck at home.
Spreading positive messages
Everyone could do with some positive messages at the moment I think. It can get very difficult for so many people when lots of things seem a bit hopeless.
The Most Versatile Piece of Clothing: Did You Know You Can Match Jeans With Anything?
It is possible to match a good pair of jeans with almost any top. The trick is to match the style of jeans to the occasion and to the style of the top. A formal occasion is not the place to wear distressed jeans but there are dark wash jeans and others that have a more formal look. Having a collection of jeans in different styles to suit many occasions is the way to go.
Using time wisely: new routines and systems
One of the things I keep playing through my head is the number of times I’ve said that I wish I had more time for X, Y or Z. I’ve had a list as long as my arm of things I wanted to get done at home, in the garden and so on – what’s that saying? Be careful what you wish for!
Comfortable lounge wear for working from home
Whilst working from home with four children here is a challenge, there are currently no school runs and no club runs, so there is much less running around than a normal week. This means lounge wear is perfectly reasonable!
Teaching children new skills during lock down: How to do laundry
As unsettling as this is for so many people, it’s also an opportunity to do things differently for a while. To talk more, to play more games and to teach your children things you never normally have time for.
How To Choose The Right Dress For An Occasion
Many people spend a lot of time shopping for the right dress and it can be quite a stressful experience. Of course, when you do find the perfect dress, it can feel great.
Why it’s important to separate laundry
Not the sexiest of subjects I know. A few years ago I would have been rolling my eyes reading something like this and thinking…who has the time to separate laundry these days? Just chuck it in, stick in one of those colour catcher sheets, shut the door and get on with real life. Right?