What’s CoolSculpting treatment?

flushing out toxins

More and more these days you hear about people opting for non-surgical treatment options for a range of cosmetic procedures that would previously have been done under the knife. There seem to be all sorts of treatments available, with people opting to undergo a range of things during their lunch break. These are designed to […]

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Dealing with unwanted hair


Is there anything more annoying than unwanted hair as a woman? Possibly more something that brunettes out there are more familiar with, if you are fair, you’re unlikely to have such issues. Hair removal sucks. When you have dark hair and features it sucks even more. Like millions of women I’ve tried all sorts of […]

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Celebrity beauty tips

essential oils

Not every woman is heavily into beauty, but the size of the industry proves that so many of us are. Whether it’s make up, or anti-ageing skin care, or dealing with blemishes, or the way we care for our skin and hair in general – for many of us, it’s something we care about. With […]

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