During this difficult time we would like to support people around the UK and encourage them to be responsible and stay at home.
Comfortable lounge wear for working from home
Whilst working from home with four children here is a challenge, there are currently no school runs and no club runs, so there is much less running around than a normal week. This means lounge wear is perfectly reasonable!
Home schooling during COVID-19: week 4
This week is actually school Easter holidays here, but with the weeks all blending into one, we’ve still been doing some home learning activities.
#StayHomeSaveLives: A Guide for Parents
Parents working from home, school from home and big events suspended. PE in my living room, supermarket trips only, and no seeing my friends. Will this go on forever?
5 Home School Activities Which children will love during COVID-19
Technically we are in the school holiday period now, so the children would have been off school anyway – but with so many people having to cancel their plans due to COVID-19, and having spent the last two weeks home schooling children, the lines have become a bit blurred. Here are 5 activities to do at home.
#GOindoors – Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives
Retail giant GO Outdoors has temporarily re-branded and launched a video urging consumers to stay at home and protect the NHS, with the Met office predicting warmer and drier weather this weekend and the Prime Minister urging Brits to stay at home. This follows Department for Transport figures showing a ‘concerning’ rise in car use earlier this week.
Ways to reduce your carbon footprint
If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything in a short space of time, it is the massive difference that our carbon footprint can make to the planet. After just two weeks after the outbreak began, there were reports of massive decreases in pollution.
Teaching children new skills during lock down: How to do laundry
As unsettling as this is for so many people, it’s also an opportunity to do things differently for a while. To talk more, to play more games and to teach your children things you never normally have time for.