If you know of someone who needs a little help with some positive thinking, or you are just looking for a last-minute uplifting gift for someone, you could consider getting a few bits from adbra.
Father’s Day Gift Ideas
With Father’s Day fast approaching perhaps you are considering what to buy? Have you got any ideas about how to spend a Father’s Day in lockdown?
Big Brand Gifts at Small Prices
We all know that a nice gift doesn’t have to cost the earth. It’s not about how much it costs, but more, will it be well-received, useful and is it needed. I always think useful gifts are the best personally, but I know that lots of people also enjoy receiving things they perhaps wouldn’t buy for themselves.
Ideas For Your Loved One’s Main Christmas Present
Christmas is almost upon us, but we still have a short while to get those last bits of shopping done. Finding your loved one’s ‘main’ present is perhaps one of the trickiest tasks when it comes to Christmas presents. The main Christmas present if often the one they will leave until last and come back to throughout the rest of Christmas Day.
The small guide of useful gifts
I do love a useful present. One of my favourite birthday gifts this year was a huge wheelbarrow. I love it because it’s a massive time-saver. It holds about four times that of a regular sized barrow and I can also put the children in it if I need to as well.
The benefits of providing children with toys
This is a paid collaboration with Wicked Uncle Do your children have tons of toys? If you are looking for gift inspiration click here to discover what it takes to create a Christmas hit. How many times as a parent have you thought that your children have preferred the wrapping paper over the actual contents […]
Stocking filler ideas from Zimpli
I always think stockings are such fun. They’ve always been my favourite part of Christmas Day morning. I loved opening stockings as a child, seeing what Santa had left for everyone. These days it’s still such a fun part of Christmas morning. The children read out their letters from the elves who have helped pack […]
Baby shower or help after the birth: what would you prefer?
Night feeds, keeping on top of the dirty washing and other people judging your parenting techniques are among the most stressful things about becoming a new parent. Do you agree? How can you help new parents?