School Open Day Tips: How to Choose the Right School for Your Child


Moving onto the next stage of education can be both a daunting and exciting experience for children and their parents. With careful planning, open day tips, and plenty of conversation with your child, choosing the right school can become a manageable—and even enjoyable—process. In this guide, you’ll find tons of school open day tips, practical advice on how to make the most of school open days and ease the transition to a new educational environment.

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Are parenting styles important?

health insurance

Does it really matter? If you think about your own childhood, that of your parents, or even others you may know, you can easily attribute a particular character trait, view or personality element to how that person was parented. You may catch yourself saying “well, I’m like that because…”.

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A Family Holiday to Remember: Disneyland Paris

Disneyland Paris

There is no experience more magical and memorable than the happiest place on earth. Witness your kids’ faces light up as they get lost in the enchanting thrill that is Disneyland. Come face to face with Mickey and Minnie, shake hands with Goofy and meet all your favourite princesses. With so much to do and […]

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