Memories are important and cementing them in a physical form can make the sentiment of the moment long-lasting. It will create a lovely nostalgia one day to look back on photos, listen to voice recordings, or search through a memory box to rekindle the past days.
After 18 weeks of home-schooling, the prospect of another seven weeks of school holidays, without the opportunity to travel may be a tad daunting for many parents.
#StayAtHome: stay positive with pictures and memories
During this difficult time we would like to support people around the UK and encourage them to be responsible and stay at home.
How skiing holidays used to be: tales of slopes gone by
Skiing with a family is very costly and requires a huge amount of patience and perseverance, not to mention the fasting and unfastening of what feels like a million boot clips several times a day BUT it’s our thing.
The 50 most common memories from childhood
Christmas dinner, going to the beach on a summer holiday and spending time at your grandparent’s house are the memories we remember most vividly from our childhoods, it has emerged. Does that match at all with your memories of childhood?
Sharing and preserving memories with Lifecake
As parents we say it all the time – we don’t know where the time goes, they grow so fast, how are they already 2, 3, 4…11 – it goes on and on. Time seems to disappear before our eyes as they whizz past important milestones. How many times have you wanted to press the […]
Remembering the early years
One of the things I constantly say to myself and others is how quickly children change and how fast a moment is gone. Talking to other parents, we are all wondering the same – where does the time go? How will we remember these early years? Sometimes as a parents you blink and you miss […]