Talent that has Passed from Generation to Generation

I love seeing talent pass from one generation to another. When I see my children’s art work or listen to my daughter play guitar I am reminded of my dad. When I read my children’s creative writing pieces, I am reminded of my mum, and when I watch my little gymnasts I am reminded of the incredible gymnastic ability of my grandfather. What skills and talents do your family members have that you see in younger generations?

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Stocking filler ideas from Zimpli

stocking fillers

I always think stockings are such fun. They’ve always been my favourite part of Christmas Day morning.  I loved opening stockings as a child, seeing what Santa had left for everyone. These days it’s still such a fun part of Christmas morning. The children read out their letters from the elves who have helped pack […]

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40 life lessons for 40 years

turning 40

I’m OK with 40. I joke a bit about being “really old” but in all honesty I feel more comfortable with myself now at 40 than I’ve felt in a very long time. I think I have a lot more clarity about life in general these days, I know exactly who I am, what I still want to achieve and equally what I don’t want and I’m getting much better at being unapologetic about these choices.

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