I love seeing talent pass from one generation to another. When I see my children’s art work or listen to my daughter play guitar I am reminded of my dad. When I read my children’s creative writing pieces, I am reminded of my mum, and when I watch my little gymnasts I am reminded of the incredible gymnastic ability of my grandfather. What skills and talents do your family members have that you see in younger generations?
The Best Ways to Market Your Business
‘Marketing’ could be anything from building a website to installing external signage on your premises. The truth is, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to marketing your business; it’s whatever works best for you, which will depend on what type of product or service you offer.
6 amazing gifts for a new mum
Once the baby shower is over, it can be hard to think of anything else you could possibly buy for a new mum. They’ve already got the high chair, cute baby bowls, the traditional brush, teether and posh knife and fork for the baby, and now you’re completely stumped.
Save The Children #ChristmasJumperDay are you getting involved?
Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day 2019 needs YOUR help to make it the biggest and best yet. Since launching in 2012, Christmas Jumper Day has raised over £21 million to help build a better future for children in the UK and around the world. That’s incredible!
Stocking filler ideas from Zimpli
I always think stockings are such fun. They’ve always been my favourite part of Christmas Day morning. I loved opening stockings as a child, seeing what Santa had left for everyone. These days it’s still such a fun part of Christmas morning. The children read out their letters from the elves who have helped pack […]
Volunteering: why it’s so important and how we can make it more commonplace
The standard response I hear from people when it comes to discussing volunteering is “I don’t have time”. I think there is a terrible misconception that volunteers should be retired people who are looking to ‘fill their time’.
40 life lessons for 40 years
I’m OK with 40. I joke a bit about being “really old” but in all honesty I feel more comfortable with myself now at 40 than I’ve felt in a very long time. I think I have a lot more clarity about life in general these days, I know exactly who I am, what I still want to achieve and equally what I don’t want and I’m getting much better at being unapologetic about these choices.
Strategies to help students learn better
Changes need to happen in school systems as lots of students don’t see the value of going to school. We need to live in a world where everyone sees the value of education and enjoys going to learn and develop.