How to choose the ‘right’ A-levels

Do you ever think about your subject choices at school and think how differently you would do things knowing what you know now. For example, if you were to choose A-levels now would they be the same as what you originally picked? Did you even choose them yourself? Perhaps you were heavily influenced by a parent or teacher even?

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TV beds – are they worth it?

TV beds

I remember the first time I got a TV in my bedroom, I was 16 and it was a birthday present from my parents. I was so excited, it was one of those small, black, square colour televisions. Back in the days when everyone had just got excited about having a fifth channel. Now I […]

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Bouncing around at Flip Out Aintree

Flip Out Aintree

Trampoline parks – what’s your view? I know they’ve had some bad press over the years since they started popping up everywhere, but my personal view is, like anything else, if you are sensible and follow the rules, they are just a great place to have fun with family and friends and a super wet-weather option.

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