How pregnancy affects your teeth

breakfast on a cruise ship

Pregnancy can affect so many things can’t it? It’s not enough that we put ourselves through the pain of labour, but there are all sorts of ailments and problems with our bodies that can arise out of having a baby. How does pregnancy change your teeth/gums? Changes in your hormones during pregnancy can cause your […]

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6 steps to a ‘healthy’ pregnancy

spatone for low iron

Pregnancy for many, especially first time mothers, is a very special time in life. Special care needs to be taken so that you feel good in all aspects of your life. The following 6 steps might help to ensure a healthy pregnancy: 1. Make Sure All Important Details Are Organised Decide for yourself, far ahead […]

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Top 20 signs you REALLY need a holiday

family hotels

When was the last time you had a holiday? Do you feel in need of a holiday? Probably a silly question right? What busy parent doesn’t feel like they need a holiday? Losing your sense of humour, bingeing on comfort food and being unable to sleep through the night are all signs you need a […]

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Dealing with a reluctant drinker

dealing with a reluctant drinker

As a parent, one of the most stressful things can be a child who won’t eat, or drink or do either. We spend our time as parents trying to do the best for our children and one of those things is trying desperately hard to ensure they eat and drink well. When you’ve spent time […]

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How a gentle exercise regimen helps you get rid of that postpartum belly

can't sleep?

The thought of performing hundreds of crunches to get rid of the post-baby pouch is really irritating, but apparently you don’t actually need them to get back pre-partum, flat belly. Crunches are actually thought to be ineffective to tone the abs as they only work on outer abdominal muscles without strengthening the underlying muscles first […]

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